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Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines

These Community Guidelines are to be considered part of the full Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Terms of Sale as outlined at https://verysmartdesign.com/about/terms. At Clique, our mission is to provide tools to build the most creative, categorized, connected and empowered digital playground where members of all types can interact positively and safely. To achieve this goal, we ask that all users participate in such a way that promotes a friendly, encouraging and reinforcing experience for our global community. To protect the integrity of our community, as the provider of the service, we at Clique and Very Smart Design reserve the right to suspend any account at any time for any conduct that we determine to be inappropriate or harmful. You are free to appeal your suspension, but we are not required to provide a reason for our decision.

For minor first and second suspensions, your access to the site will be restricted for 24 hours, but there is no fixed time for the length of subsequent suspensions or suspensions for severe violations. We will consider appeals of indefinite suspensions based on our review of your conduct, account standing, and any other information we have. Our Customer Support and Moderation teams review all requests for reinstatement, and we process these along with all other support requests. In addition to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Sale and Terms of Service, we provide the following guidelines for all user conduct and content on our services. These guidelines fall under a common sense philosophy and apply to all user generated content and activity on our services. Violating our Terms or Community Guidelines may lead to the suspension of your account and access to our services, as well as the removal of any associated content. You may not encourage or promote any activity that violates our Terms or Guidelines. This is considered a living document that we regularly update based on the evolution of the Clique Network community and Services.

Categorize your Content Appropriately
You are required to categorize your content appropriately. If there are multiple appropriate games or categories, you are welcome to choose whichever you feel is most appropriate. If there is not an appropriate category for your content, please set your content to "Other" if given the choice, instead of using an inappropriate option.

Comments / Reviews
When leaving comments or reviews on content, keep them relevant to the content you are discussing. When posting reviews, include clear, valuable, and honest information, and do not post fake reviews intended to boost or lower ratings. When posting on content of friends, and especially when commenting on other members of the community, try to be respectful and coherent. Speaking of respecting others, make sure that the things you post publicly follow the behavioral guidelines below to avoid suspension and bans.

Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information
Do not invade the privacy of others. It is prohibited to share content that may reveal private personal information about individuals, or their private residence, without permission. This includes but is not limited to: Sharing personally identifiable information (such as real name, location, or ID), Sharing restricted or protected social profiles or any information from those profiles, or sharing content obtained from filming or streaming in a manner that invades another’s privacy and/or takes place on private property, without permission.

Unauthorized Content Sharing, Copyright Violations and Infringements
Uploading any content that you do not own, do not have the rights to, or are otherwise not authorized to use, violates our Terms of Service and may make your account liable to DMCA takedowns by third-party rights holders. We do not tolerate, for example: intentionally recreating other Clique members’ unique content and labeling it as your own original creation, or uploading content from other sites without permission of the copyright owner. When creating content on or uploading to Clique or Very Smart Design , you should create content that is original or you can share content that you are authorized to share. Content that involves replicas, derivative creations, or performances of others’ copyrighted content may violate another’s intellectual property and be subject to a takedown by a rights holder. We encourage creators to assess their content for adherence to applicable copyright laws, including fair use, and to secure all appropriate rights if needed, before sharing the content on Clique and Very Smart Design . Also, keep in mind Clique applies a repeat infringer policy; multiple copyright strikes on your account will lead to a permanent suspension of your account. You can read more about this at https://verysmartdesign.com/about/infringement

Unauthorized Account Access
You may not use or attempt to use the account of another member, including their username, password, or other personally posted content without their permission. You may not solicit login credentials from another user.

Unauthorized Usage, Content Access and Security Manipulation
You also may not use our Services in a way that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect, or inhibit other members and users from fully engaging in or otherwise enjoying the Services, or in ways that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the functioning of the Services. You may not upload viruses, malicious code, links to malicious sites or otherwise which may compromise the security of our Services, nor make attempts at accessing content by attempting to bypass, alter or circumnavigate security measures or content-filtering techniques that we employ. You may not attempt to access areas or features of the Services that your are not authorized to access, nor probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of our Services or any system or network. Doing any of these things will result in indefinite suspension.

Content or activity meant to impersonate an individual or organization is prohibited. Any attempts to misrepresent yourself as a member of Clique or Very Smart Design representatives is a zero-tolerance violation and will result in indefinite suspension.

Suspension Evasion
All suspensions are binding until expiration or removal upon appeal. Any attempt to circumvent a site-wide, community, or chat suspension by using other accounts, identities, personalities, or presence on another user’s account will also result in suspension. You may not create another account if we have already disabled your account, unless you have our direct written permission to do so. Suspension evasion will not only increase the length of suspension, but may lead to an indefinite suspension.

Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct
Any content or activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of Twitch services or another user’s experience or devices is prohibited. Such activity includes but is not limited to: Posting large amounts of repetitive, unwanted messages or user reports, Distributing unauthorized mass-advertisements directly to users, members or via comments / chat, Phishing, Defrauding others, Spreading malware or viruses, Misinformation (such as feigning distress, posting misleading metadata, or intentional content miscategorization), Tampering (such as artificially inflating clicks/stats), Selling or sharing user accounts, or Reselling Clique services or features.

Breaking the Law
You must respect all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations while using our services. Any content, sales transaction or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited.

Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content
Nudity and sexually explicit content or activities, such as pornography, sexual acts or intercourse, and sexual services, are prohibited. Sexually suggestive content or activities are also prohibited, although they may be allowed in educational contexts or for pre-approved licensed content, in each case subject to additional restrictions. Content and Media uploaded by members that is not marked as "Private" or viewable only by owner that includes any form of sexuality must be marked as "Not Safe for Kids". Miscategorizing sexual content or media as "Safe for Kids" will result in indefinite suspension. Content or activities that threaten or promote sexual violence or exploitation are strictly prohibited and may be reported to law enforcement. Child exploitation will be reported to authorities via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Violence, Gore, Threats and Other Obscene Conduct
Acts and threats of violence will be taken seriously and are considered zero-tolerance violations and all accounts associated with such activities will be indefinitely suspended. This includes, but is not limited to: Attempts or threats to physically harm or kill others, Attempts or threats to hack, DDOS, or SWAT others, or Use of weapons to physically threaten, intimidate, harm, or kill others. Content that exclusively focuses on extreme or gratuitous gore and violence is prohibited and will result in indefinite suspension.

Hateful Conduct and Harassment
Hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes, encourages, or facilitates discrimination, denigration, objectification, harassment, or violence based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, medical condition, physical characteristics, or veteran status, and is prohibited. Any hateful conduct is considered a zero-tolerance violation and all accounts associated with such conduct will be indefinitely suspended. Harassment is any content or activity that attempts to intimidate, degrade, abuse, or bully others, or creates a hostile environment for others, and is prohibited. To help you identify what types of behavior and content may constitute harassment, a short list of examples include but is not limited to: Bullying, such as repeated name calling or attempts to embarrass someone, with the intent to harm, Abusing someone based on their employer, organization, or other affiliation, Telling someone to hurt or kill themselves, Creating user accounts dedicated to harassment or hate, Stalking or violating someone’s established personal boundaries, such as circumventing channel bans, account blocks, or requests not to contact them, Revealing someone’s personal information or recording someone against their will or with the intent to harm them, Sharing content, including doctored or out-of-context content, with the intent to degrade, bully, or harm someone, Unwanted or illegal sexual advances, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying, and more. Depending on the severity of the offense, your account may be indefinitely suspended on the first violation. We prohibit using Clique and Very Smart Design to facilitate hateful conduct or harassment, whether the targets are on or off Clique or Very Smart Design . Individuals, communities or organizations that do so are not allowed to use our services. We may take action against users for hateful conduct or harassment that occurs off of Clique that is directed at Clique users and members.

Self-Destructive Behavior
Any activity that may endanger your life or lead to your physical harm is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: suicide threats, intentional physical trauma, use of illegal drugs, and drinking excessively.

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